
Authentic Captain America Costume


Authentic Captain America Costume


Steve Rogers got the only dose of Super Soldier Serum that worked properly, but you can still get your superhero career under foot. This Authentic Captain America Costume at least looks just like the comic book character’s outfit.




Before you go and start putting all sorts of weird things in the blender to try to make your own Super Soldier Serum, you might want to check this Captain America costume out. It’s got everything that the one Steve Rogers wears has on it, but you don’t have to undergo weird procedures that may or may not give you real superpowers. It even comes with some fake muscles, just in case your physique isn’t quite up to comic book standards. We must warn you though, when you put this outfit on, you may have to fight some really weird guys in spandex suits and you may have to hang out with Hulk sometimes. (Hanging out with Hulk usually ends with something getting broken, so good luck).