
Collector’s Jedi Cloak


Collector’s Jedi Cloak


We could make you take the Jedi Trials in order to acquire one of these Star Wars Collector’s Jedi Cloaks, but our lawyers say making you face off against a Sith in a lightsaber battle might be a liability issue.




It used to be that the only way you could get an official Star Wars Jedi cloak was to go through all the Jedi Trials. Some of those are pretty dangerous, like the Trial of Flesh and the Trial of Courage. Now, you can just get one from us, even if you can’t wield a lightsaber with expert skill, or outlast an army of Sith. We might need to see a little proof of your Jedi skill if you want us to let you have one of our lightsabers though.
ATTENTION CUSTOMERS:This product cannot be shipped in its original box to Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Guadeloupe, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia or Singapore, Lithuania, Slovenia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand or Ukraine.