
Darth Vader Costume Tube Dress


Darth Vader Costume Tube Dress


The Dark Lord of the Sith doesn’t have to look so scary all the time. This Darth Vader Costume Tube Dress looks sweet and sassy!




When Darth Vader first came out in 1977 he was the scariest movie villain of all time. Ruthless, mysterious, more man than machine and clad all in black. Jump forward almost 40 years and that fearsome foe has gone fashion chic! How times have changed! This Darth Vader Costume Tube Dress recreates the old Dark Lord of the Sith’s armor but in a stylish dress. You can wear this to one of those Ewok parties we’ve heard so much about, or otherwise rule over everyone with your incredible force powers. If someone dares approach you, just say, “You don’t know the power of the dark side!”