
Doctor Who 10th Doctor Costume T-Shirt


Doctor Who 10th Doctor Costume T-Shirt


You’ll be all set to out dress the Master when you wear this Doctor Who 10th Doctor Costume T-Shirt. Allons-y!




When you’re a Time Lord you need to make sure you look good. Because as you travel the universe through space and time you’ll end up in such places as New Earth and planet Midnight. And when you end up on these new worlds you’ll want to make sure that you’re dressed for any and every occasion. That is the exact reason why the Doctor picked a great looking blue suit for his 10th incarnation. In this suit he has dined with royals and put a stop to evil alien plans. But if the Doctor makes his way to the snow covered planet of the Ood he may get a bit chilly and will need his very smart looking trench coat So if you find yourself traveling though all of space and time in your own TARDIS be sure to look as great as the Doctor with the help of this Doctor Who tee.