
Luke Flight Suit Costume T-Shirt


Luke Flight Suit Costume T-Shirt


Another Death Star? No problem. Just suit up in this Luke Flight Suit Costume T-Shirt and you’re all set to blast it to smithereens in your X-Wing, just like in Star Wars.




When you put on an X-Wing Flight Suit T-Shirt, you’ll feel just like Dak Ralter from the Empire Strikes Back… like you can take on the whole Empire by yourself! Of course, shortly after Dak said that he was taken out by an AT-AT Walker and we all found out that he, in fact, could not take on the whole Empire by himself. So, when you go in this tee, be more like ace pilot Biggs Darklighter! Wait, no, don’t do that either… Biggs crashed into the Death Star. Be more like Wedge Antilles! Yes, Wedge survived the entire trilogy… be like him!