
Regular Show: Adult Rigby Pajamas


Regular Show: Adult Rigby Pajamas


Now you can dress up as the chaotic ‘one cheek wonder’ when you wear this cozy Regular Show: Rigby Union Suit!




Rigby’s not the smartest guy around. He’s not the hardest worker around. Heck, he’s not even that good at video games, but you have to admit, the little raccoon has a certain charm about him. He’s got a cool bird and a sasquatch as best friends, Eileen has a super-mega crush on him and he’s even beaten Skips at arm wrestling, so the little dude must being doing something right. We imagine he sleeps pretty sound at night on his little trampoline. You can too, when you garb up in this extra-soft union suit. It has Rigby’s likeness all over it, so you’ll be comfy and all Rig-ified for the night! (You may even score a kiss from Eileen if you’re lucky)!