
TMNT I Am Leonardo T-Shirt


TMNT I Am Leonardo T-Shirt


Put on this TMNT I Am Leonardo t-shirt and your search for excuses to eat pizza will be over. Pizza is what ninja turtles eat!




This TMNT I Am Leonardo t-shirt can be used so many ways! For example, you could use it for: 1) A practical everyday piece of clothing 2) A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume 3) A travel pillow (if you bunch it up really good) 4) Collateral in a game of poker 5) A cool flag 6) An emergency diaper for your baby 7) A TMNT dress for your toddler 8) A make shift handle for a zip line (do NOT attempt) 9) A napkin 10) Gift wrap. We think it works best for suggestions 1 and 2 but seriously once you buy it you can use it for whatever and you won’t hurt our feelings.